Life On the Road

Many families who are just starting out, or are considering the RV lifestyle, have questions about the day to day details of life on the road.

Staying in Touch

Communication: How do you get mail? Get online? Which cell phone company is best? Should we cut the cord and add satellite or use our hotspots for television? You’ll find advice from families who are currently on the road.

woman with brown baby carrier and little kid in white jacket

Mom’s Share about Life on the Road : Our community of Mom’s share about their families reasons for living the RV lifestyle! Read what they have to say about a typical day on the road.


Roadschooling: Learn about homeschooling on the go.

Worldschooling: Learn about homeschooling around the globe.

Books on the Road: What about books? Can you take them with you in an RV?

Bookstore for Families on the Road: Look around the store for quality books about RV Travel, Homeschooling, Worldtravel and Life outside the box.

Camping Memberships: Many families who want to budget fulltime traveling need to consider Camping Membership options. Here are a few options which have served many families well over the last few decades.

man standing on brown cliff

Health and Fitness: Is keeping fit possible when you live in an RV? Is it difficult to create Gluten-Free meals while traveling? Can your kids be involved with team sports while you travel?

Insurance on the road

Insurance: This is a list of helpful insurance resources for families interested in Full-timing or International travel.

Socialization on the road

grayscale photography of five people walking on road

Friends So many family and friends ask the same question, “How are they going to make friends while traveling?” Here are some ways to make new ones along the way and still keep the ones “back home”.